Sunday, August 19, 2007

Women... by my beloved JP II

Pope John Paul II has majestically portrayed the charism and genius of femininity in his apostolic letter"Mulieris Dignitatem"

According to the Holy Father, the essential components of women are so exemplary as regards the sincere gift of self, that this can be compared to the great mystery of the Church as Spouse united to Christ. The Pope underlines the special sensitivity that woman has for man, and, indeed, for everything essentially human, and which is expressed in the natural tendency to especially direct her attention toward some particular person.

The woman's personality, given her tremendous capacity of love, cannot fulfill itself except by giving love to others.
Her strength lies precisely in the gift of self, and in the fact that God entrusted man to her. "Thus the 'perfect woman' (Proverbs 31:10) becomes an irreplaceable support and source of spiritual strength for other people, who perceive the great energies of her spirit."


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You would be interested in the 20th anniversary observance of Mulieris Dignitatem worldwide in 2008. North America's information is found at but all continents are encouraged to read and share the beautiful message of JP's apostolic letter!

Quotes by Women who inspire my life.

"My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment." (by Oprah Winfrey)

"Hidup benar di hadapan Tuhan. Percayalah... apa yang kau buat pasti berhasil!"
(by my mom)

"Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor. Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting."
(by Mother Teresa)